
The pandemic has changed everything, from the way we interact, have fun, to the way we work.

Presentations, business lunches, physical meetings and a long etc. … seem like something from a very distant past.

In the office sector it was very common to go to inaugurations of new buildings, at the present time it is unthinkable, at least as we used to do. For this reason, some properties have chosen to make presentations with a small and controlled number of people, others have opted for new technologies, for example, making 3D reports of the available surfaces or “streaming”.

From our point of view, virtual events are here to stay, we are aware that the contact between attendees and coworkers enriches the event and helps create synergies, however, while this so-called “new normal” lasts, it is essential to increase capacity adaptation, in addition, these offer some advantages to both participants and organizers; from the almost unlimited capacity of attendees, elimination of geographical barriers or cost reduction.