Social distancing is a phrase that dominates the news and is being incorporated into everyday language. Social distancing means maintaining distance or space between people to help prevent COVID-19. It is recommended to keep a minimum distance of 1.8 meters (6 feet) from others (link to ministry recommendations).

This recommendation has also reached the office, transforming workspaces. Sometimes it is difficult to live with them, but they are simple guidelines that benefit us all.

1.- Establish signs in the entrances and corridors respecting the directions of the march to avoid crowds.

2.- Establish work shifts in the staff. Many companies incorporate their workers on a rotating basis for days, weeks or departments, to have the most controlled capacity and common areas.

3.- Establish shifts for breaks (eat or drink coffee). Sit at the allowed distance, in ventilated areas and avoiding forming groups as in the pre-covid stage to reduce the incidence, both in rest areas and in dining shifts, which must be delimited by hours, in those companies where that this practice is working. In addition, it is essential not to remove the mask except what is strictly necessary to eat or drink.

4.- Essential face-to-face meetings, in rooms with constant ventilation, mandatory use of a mask and limited capacity.

In Spain we are very sociable and sometimes it is difficult for us to keep our distance. But little by little we are adapting to adopt these precautions that, although simple, are not typical of our culture. In reality, it is a matter of acting with common sense avoiding forming the characteristic “office clusters” for chatting, resting or smoking. If you need to adapt your office to meet these requirements, do not hesitate to contact us and we will provide you with solutions.