Surely at some point you have wondered if we will return to our “old normality”, if the measures implemented so far could be permanent and become a habit.

Could we be at the end of the offices as we knew them?

The use of partitions, minimum space between workers, strict hygiene regulations… they are known to all, but have they come to stay? We analyze the different possibilities.

In the future, these hygiene standards will probably be maintained, as they will have become a habit, workers and companies will increasingly attach more importance to safety at work.

In terms of materials, all those that are easy to clean and sanitize will gain prominence. Upholstery or carpets may be less attractive and can be replaced by plastic or vinyl-finished flooring.


Teleworking will be much more prevalent and will help reduce high concentrations of workers in large companies, as it offers the possibility of rotating staff.
The way we hold meetings will also change, in fact, it is changing, it is increasingly common to hold them through digital platforms. We will tend to hold face-to-face meetings only when strictly necessary.



The crowded work spaces, the “hot spots”, the little space between workers, will surely become things of the past.

Companies will tend to value more the hiring of physical work spaces and their surface, however, physical presence will continue to be essential for many companies, especially for those that, due to their activity, carry out commercial work or with machinery, in addition, workers continue to value having a physical position, as it helps to create routine, create synergies and team.

If you need to adapt your office to the post-covid stage, contact us, our implementation team will be able to give you the best solutions.