Since teleworking was imposed by Covid-19 in March 2020, there are those who have not set foot in an office again. For many, this has meant cost savings and also time optimization. But others have already stopped seeing it as the panacea because of “the house is falling on me” or because they feel socially isolated.

And it is that, we miss each other. We miss the interrelationships with our colleagues, breakfast time, talking with other people about something other than Covid, sharing. Going to the office gives us an excuse to ditch the 2020 pandemic tracksuit look and dress decently. And, in many cases, it provides us with a more comfortable means to develop our work activity both at an ergonomic or technological level (see ergonomics at work) and with regard to the exchange of synergies, conflict resolution or teamwork. Not to mention the happy hour at the corner bar that has given us so many Fridays the two-for-one promotion while we rant about the bosses …
Telecommuting has its advantages of course. And that is why companies, more and more, tend to make their working hours more flexible or impose a mixed system that allows it to be developed occasionally, with benefits for both the company and the employee. But during the pandemic, many companies detected that, in the long run, not going to the office, disconnected employees from the company culture and the feeling of belonging to the organization and also reduced creativity and slowed down the ability to adopt and / or provide solutions on a day-to-day basis. And we have to admit it, “stay home” has been repeated so much in our lives lately that, oddly enough, yes, we are looking forward to going back to the office.
If you are looking forward to going back to your workplace or need a new one to locate yourself in, get in touch with us.